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By Lilly Kujawski

Virgo season is upon us and you know what that means: text messages that turn into essays, extra espresso shots in the latte that you can’t decide whether to order iced or hot, putting everything in your planner (even the stuff you absolutely don’t need to write down), and getting excited to read a new book before quickly realizing you really don’t have time for pleasure reading anymore. The stress of school may feel overwhelming at first, as you set goals and expectations for the semester. Don’t forget to prioritize your self-care this month, in addition to your studies. It’s all a process. Buy those cute felt-tip pens you had your eye on, you deserve it.


You’re a natural-born leader, so it’s no surprise you’re usually the one sparking a lively debate in class or getting a study group organized. Unfortunately, you can also be impulsive and don’t always finish the projects you start. You’ve got the energy, you’ve got the drive, but this semester it’s time to focus on the follow-through. After all, you are full of great ideas and you are certainly capable of making them happen.



You are persistent and you love the grind of college life. You’re goal-oriented, you know what you’re working towards and that’s what keeps you going. However, you do have the tendency to be a bit self-indulgent. You love to reward your hard work, and there’s nothing wrong with that—as long as you don’t go overboard and lose sight of the finish line.



Driven by curiosity, you love the excitement of learning new things. You’re always raising your hand in class, wanting to know more. However, you also lose interest quickly, especially if a class starts to get boring. You may be tempted to skip class in favor of hanging out with friends or spending time outside while it’s still warm enough. If the temptation does arise, listen to your practical side and give the class another try.



You’re a homebody at heart and would rather stay in bed a little longer than go to your 9 a.m. class. Once you get up and get moving though, you’ll find that you usually feel better—it’s just a matter of getting there. Make an effort to become friends with people in your classes to give you something to look forward to everyday and treat yourself to a small reward, like your favorite coffee drink, to help motivate you to get to campus early.



You are fierce, motivated and see your commitments through. You are passionate and have strong opinions, which can be a good thing; you often bring up important points in class discussions. Just don’t let yourself become blind to other perspectives. You’ll learn more about yourself, your peers and the subject at hand, when you take time to listen to the opposing sides.



You’ve got a color-coded planner, a big pad of sticky notes, your keen eye for detail and you’re ready to shine. It’s your season, Virgo, and you’ll over-analyze if you want to. You are loyal and hardworking, but are prone to taking on more than you can handle, often putting your own needs aside in order to help others. Remember that you must take care of yourself first to be able to care for anyone else.



You have a knack for putting others at ease and dissolving conflicts before they get out of hand. You have excellent communication skills, which will definitely come in handy this semester whenever you have to contact a professor. You can be indecisive at times, but college is the time to try new things. Use this time to weigh all your options, especially when it comes to a career, so you can find out what’s best for you.



You are driven by a desire to succeed. You are curious and ambitious; a true hustler, in school and in life. If someone gets in the way of your goals, you have a tendency to turn on them, sometimes with a vengeance. Instead, refocus that energy into yourself and work on becoming even better; the haters are your motivators.   



You wish to live freely and sometimes school gets in the way of that. You tend to become impatient with the monotony of the everyday. When this happens, use that powerful optimism of yours to bring your own excitement to the day. Try a new food, scope out creative study spots or take a mini road trip over the weekend to help shake things up.



You are very hardworking. You treat school like it’s your job, and you are very good at your job. Your dedication does not go unnoticed. It can be frustrating if your classmates aren’t as invested or ambitious as you are, but be patient with them—and don’t forget to have fun. If you start to feel like you’re the only taking things seriously, maybe that means it’s time for you to take a break.



You love intellectual stimulation and are always hungry to learn more, so interesting classes and passionate teachers are a must for you. Unfortunately, school life also means a fixed class schedule that can feel constraining and sometimes boring. Find an extracurricular you’re interested in to help mix up the same ol’ same ol’ of the school semester. You’ll thrive in a community setting.




You tend to romanticize back-to-school time, often expecting it to be like when you were a kid—new friends, new outfit, excitement. Because of this, you might find yourself suddenly overwhelmed by exams, due dates and the high energy of the packed Student Center. Avoid procrastinating by making sure you have some “me time” scheduled, too, and get creative with your study habits.



Lilly Kujawski

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