9 movies to Netflix Party with friends

Movie posters for “Her”, Evolution”, and “Outbreak”. Courtesy of IMDB

By Catherine Engstrom-Hadley
Staff Writer

After weeks of social distancing and staying home, you might be feeling desperate for a connection with others. Netflix Party, a Google Chrome plug-in, allows friends to stream and watch a movie together remotely. Text your friends and get ready for a virtual movie night: the Voice rounded up some films currently streaming on Netflix that are particularly appropriate for the times we’re in.


“Outbreak” (1995)

Lean into the panic of the moment with this thriller. “Outbreak,” starring Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, and Morgan Freeman, is the ‘90s virus movie that offers all the cliché disaster troupes one can handle.






“Tucker and Dale vs. Evil” (2010)

This cabin-in-the-woods slasher meets horror comedy satire stars Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine. Tudyk and Labine play two brothers working on remodeling an old cabin they saved up for. College kids show up and mayhem ensues. Worth a watch with friends, or on your own.





“Cloverfield” (2008)

A group of friends at a goodbye party are interrupted by a skyscraper-sized creature attacking Manhattan. Using a handheld camera, the group documents their journey out of New York as the city falls apart.






“Evolution” (2001)

In this sci-fi comedy, a meteor strikes the earth with alien life forms aboard and only the local scientists can stop them from world domination. David Duchovny, Julianne Moore and Orlando Jones star in this throwback flick.





“Jupiter Ascending” (2015)

A house cleaner who can’t catch a break has a run in with an alien hunter who tells her she has a great destiny ahead of herself. Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum star in this CGI space princess story.






“47 Meters Down” (2017)

Mandy Moore and Claire Holt play two sisters who go diving with sharks from the safety of a protective cage. When it breaks, the sisters become trapped at the bottom of the ocean. To escape, they must brave shark-infested waters. Never fear, the sequel to this film came out last summer.





“Her” (2013)

Let’s be honest—by the end of this quarantine, some of us might actually be dating Siri or Alexa. So, to prepare, watch “Her,” an unconventional romance film which stars Joaquin Phoenix as a man who falls in love with his digital assistant.






“Small Soldiers” (1998)

Toys programmed with military technology come alive and are out for blood. Starring Gregory Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Kristen Dunst, this movie deserves a watch—or a second watch, if you were there to see it in theaters.





“Sharknado” (2013)

It’s a tornado full of sharks, what’s not to love? Purists will tell you “Sharknado 3: Oh, Hell No” is the best of the franchise, but this is a fine starting point for anyone looking to really expand their minds.







Cat Engstrom

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