Voice Box: If you had the power, what would you have named WCC’s mascot?

By Nicholas Ketchum
Deputy Editor

Q: If you had the power, what would you have named WCC’s mascot?


Aly Kourouma

“I would just say “Lucky.” Just “Lucky.”

Aly Kourouma, 22

Electrical Engineering



Bryce Bouer

“I’d call him “Wolverine,” but that one is taken.

Bryce Bouer, 17
General Studies



Anya d’Ancy

“I’d name him something wolf-like and that sounds right, and isn’t too obvious. Maybe “Lupin.” It sounds funny.

Anya d’Ancy, 18
Molecular and Cellular Biology


Hanna Van Buren

“I don’t know… the “Wolfmeister?” There’s something about him… he’s got respect.

Hanna Van Buren, 19


Elizabeth Coyle

“I’d call him “Titus Andronicus;” he reminds me of that name.

Elizabeth Coyle, 19





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