A fun way to get fit on wheels at WCC

Tiffany Sims

45-minute cycling classes offer training on all terrains for improved mental health. Alisa Chmerenko | Washtenaw Voice

For people showing a growing interest in creating healthier routines for themselves in 2024 – cycling classes are an amazing way to add fitness to your weekly activities.

The Health and Fitness Center at Washtenaw Community College offers morning, afternoon, and evening cycling classes. Not only is cycling fun, but it has a range of health benefits.

According to the Better Health Channel, increased cardiovascular fitness, improved joint mobility, decreased body fat levels and improved moods are among these benefits.

 One of the cycling instructors at Washtenaw Community College, Danielle Steinbacher, would agree.

Steinbacher has been a fitness instructor for six years and has been in the fitness world since 2008. She believes that it is important for people to realize fitness is more than just exercise.

According to Steinbacher, fitness can help you lead an overall fuller life. Steinbacher also motivates her clients by helping them realize the importance of pushing past their comfort zones, believing that this is where true growth begins.

Cycling sessions at Washtenaw Community College are 45 minutes in duration. During these classes, instructors use a mix of different stimuli on the cycles.

Hills, sprints, riders’ choice, music while cycling, are a few of the different variation’s cyclists endure in these classes.

The cycling instructors love to start classes off with a purpose. According to Steinbacher –  just like many things in life, when you begin with a purpose, you are more than likely to finish strong.

It is no secret that formulating healthier routines is one of the best things that can be done for oneself. Northwestern Medicine confirms this fact by showing that a healthy, effective routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to “better mental health, more time to relax and less anxiety.”

The Health and Fitness Center is at 4833 E Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.




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