Voice Box: “What are your plans for this summer?”

Abigail Gibb

“I’m finishing up this semester, and then I’m going to work through the summer. I’m working as a wildlife control technician. That’s pest management for a family business.”

Cassie Mondon
General Education


“I’m taking some spring/summer classes, because I’m transferring to U of M. My birthday is also in the summer around June. It’s my big 18, so hopefully I get to hang out with my friends, but other than that it’s gonna be a lowkey summer.”

Mariam Nassuna
General Education


“I plan to spend a lot of time at the beach, doing some hiking, and probably some camping. I’m gonna try and go to Cedar Point as well. One other thing is seeing movies at the local drive-in movie theater.”

Evelyn Murphy
Liberal Arts Transfer


“I’m probably going to take summer classes, but if I get the chance I’d like to go to Niagara Falls again.”

Jingqi Zhang
Computer Science


“My plans are to work on my art and pick what school I’m going to transfer to and hang out with my friends. I want to spend as much time with everybody as I can this summer.”

Ilana Londry
General Studies


“I will be doing a lot of working. I work in customer service, but I hope to take some vacations. I’m hoping to go see some friends in Texas over my birthday this summer and then go to Memphis. Staying in the gym regularly is also a goal.”

Mia Lockett
Physical Therapy


“I work full time so I’ll be working all summer. But in a couple of weeks I’m going to Hawaii. My girlfriend has family out there so we’re going out to visit.”

Quinten Harrow
Liberal Arts Transfer





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